2024 Tidal Bore Presentations

2024 Tidal Bore Presentations

Tidal Bore Presentations
July and August 2024

If you’ve never experienced Moncton's famous tidal bore, head down to Bore Park, next to the Treitz Haus, for one of the best views! 

About thirty minutes before the scheduled arrival of the daytime bore (between 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.) during the months of July and August 2024, someone from the Resurgo Place team will be on site to provide information about this fascinating phenomenon!


  • Dates: Throughout July and August 2024
  • Times: The arrival time of the tidal bore changes every day. Presentations will be offered thirty minutes before the scheduled arrival time of the tidal bore. 
  • Location: Bore Park, 10 Bendview Court, Moncton, New Brunswick

✅ Remember to arrive 30 MINUTES BEFORE the tidal bore!

More Info

For more information about the Tidal Bore presentations, visit this page: https://www.resurgo.ca/learn-discover/learning-hub/tidal-bore-presentation